Kettle Bell 101

Some of you have asked about the benefits of using kettle bells. I have addressed this in my April Newsletter but wanted to give you a few exercises to try if you happen to have access to oneKettle Bell Swings

Kettle Bell Swings

Kettle Bell Swings

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and keep your shoulders pulled back. Lower down into a squat position, swinging the bell between your legs behind you. Squeeze your glutes as you push your hops forward and stand up, swinging the bell up as shown in the picture.


Clean and Press

Clean and Press

Stand with feet a little more than hip-width apart and the kettle bell on the floor between your feet. Keeping your torso straight, hinge forward at the hips to pick up the bell with your right hand; put your left arm out to the side for balance (A).Explosively raise the bell (keep your elbow high) by squeezing your butt muscles and driving your hips forward. Near the top of the move, rotate your elbow around and under the kettle bell to end with your wrist facing up and the bell slightly behind your shoulder (B). With knees slightly bent, continue pushing the bell up over your head, extending your arm (C); hold for a second. Reverse the motions to return to starting position; that’s 1 rep

Lunge and Press

Lunge and Press

Stand with your hips directly over your feet, really tighten through the core and abdominals.

Lunge backward far enough to create a near 90 degree bend in the front knee, and ensure that the front knee is stacked directly over the ankle

Drive the front heel into the ground and step the back foot back up to standing position. Your core should remain engaged.

Make sure that you work to keep the kettle bell locked out overhead the entire time. Locking out the arm recruits the back muscles and core to help stabilize the kettle bell. Not locking out the arm places all of the work into the shoulder. You will fatigue quickly and place unnecessary stress on the shoulder joint and rotator cuff muscles.

Live Well.




About janabnana

MS in Exercise Science. Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor.
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